Low Maintenance Garden
If you don’t have time to spend on keeping your garden looking impressive, here are some low maintenance garden tips.
We all desire a stunning garden, but the result required in maintaining that beautiful landscape is sometimes too much. Watering, weeding, pruning, and removing can take hours. Most of us are so busy with jobs and errands. We want to enjoy the garden, not working in the garden the whole day.
The answer to this problem is to install a low maintenance garden. Take time to learn how to choose the right plants, remember the layout of your yard and the climate of where you live, but also how much time you have to give to your plants all play a role.
Fill in space with grasses and groundcovers. Less open spaces mean fewer opportunities for weeds to take root. Some ornamental grasses clump without spreading too wide and will add variety to your garden. Pick the right varieties, there a few that will spread vigorously.
Consider ground cover, rather than grass, particularly if your lawn is patchy.
You’ll save time mowing, and may end up with better results. Patchy lawns typically mean the grass is fighting with tree roots or lack of sun. Groundcover is a great alternative to grass.
Install an irrigation system and add a timer on. Keep flowering beds evenly moist. Water just 1 or twice times per week.
Water plants in the evening or early in the morning, when the soil is cooler, as less will evaporate than during the heat of the day.
Don’t water the leaves or plant heads to avoid mold formation. Water gently to avoid damage to your plants.
A Few Low Maintenance Garden Flowers.
Aptenia cordifolia
Another name for it is baby sun rose. Aptenia cordifolia is a low evergreen growing succulent groundcover, therefore, it is normally used for retaining walls and dry patches of soil where other plants may struggle.
They have heart-shaped fleshy leaves with red flowers. It can also be used to stabilise soil in areas where there is erosion or can be used as a lawn replacement for difficult to reach areas.
Plectranthus neochilus
Also known as lobster flower. The plectranthus has succulent, grey-green leaves, which form an attractive ground cover even when the plant is not in flower. This flower will performs well in warm dry areas.
Aloe spp
Aloe is a large family consisting of around 558 evergreen, perennial, succulent, flowering plants with fleshy leaves edged with spikes and arranged in rosettes.
Some are tree or shrub-like and other species have climbing habits. These succulents are a good water-wise choice. The leaves are fleshy and water-holding.
Strelitzia reginae
The Strelitzia is one of South Africa’s favourite exports and is cultivated worldwide. Strelitzias are hardy, and when established it can withstand long dry spells and a fair amount of neglect. Plants can be grown in sun and shade and it gives a beautiful structural display when in flower.
Container Plants that Beat the Heat
This style of gardening is great because you can use a number of containers. You don’t need to have a yard to create a beautiful container garden.
Decks, balconies, patios can become a garden oasis. Because of this, container gardens are also a great option for areas that have very poor soil.
Best of all, container gardens are easily maintained because it requires minimum care and is not plagued by pests and diseases. Plants for container gardens include annuals like pansies and sweet peas as well as such perennials as yellow coneflower, morning glory vine, big blue lily turf, and multiple species of marigold.
Meadow grasses and flowers that will do well in your Low Maintenance Garden.
- Aster
- Blanketflower
- Butterfly flower
- Coneflower
- Coreopsis
- Evening primrose
- Gayfeather
- Goldenrod
- Maiden pinks
- Native grass
- Penstemon
- Rock cress
- Shasta daisy
- Snow-in-summer
- Sunflowers
- Wild lupin
Our Tree Felling and Removal Services Include:
Tree Felling
Tree Stump Removal Services
Tree Trimming
Shrub Pruning
Garden Maintenance
Rubble Removal
If you have a garden that needs to be maintained, call us at 078 352 1959.